
Round Square IDEALS and Discoveries

Round Square schools share a commitment, and an approach, to character education and experiential learning. This is built around six themes and 12 personal revelations.

The RS IDEALS and Discoveries

The Round Square IDEALS are Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership and Service. The Round Square IDEALS have stood the test of time over decades, and are still as relevant today as when they were first established.

By exploring the six IDEALS, students set off on a learning journey which leads them to 12 Discoveries of personal virtues and attributes. These build the capabilities and confidence needed to make a positive difference in the world. The 12 Round Square Discoveries are: Appreciation of Diversity, Courage, Commitment to Sustainability, Communication, Compassion, Inquisitiveness, Inventiveness, Problem-Solving, Self-Awareness, Sense of Responsibility, Teamwork and Tenacity.

Do First, Describe Later

Round Square’s approach has always been to do first and describe later. The Round Square IDEALS were not created in advance and assigned to activities; rather, they emerged from the practices already thriving in our schools. This approach encourages students to learn by doing. Experiment, then reflect, capture, and articulate that learning afterward. It’s a way of learning that has stood the test of time and remains central to Round Square programming.

Let’s explore the Round Square IDEALS and Discoveries. Click on each of the letters below for more information.

The Six Round Square Ideals














As young people embrace the Spirit of the RS IDEALS, they uncover 12 key Discoveries on their learning journey. These include inquisitiveness, tenacity, courage, compassion, inventiveness, problem-solving, self-awareness, responsibility, diversity appreciation, sustainability commitment, communication, and teamwork skills.

The Round Square community collaborated to define these Discoveries. After years of observing student outcomes across various countries, cultures, and curricula, they identified these traits as core results of engaging with the six RS IDEALS.

Together, the RS IDEALS and Discoveries form the Round Square Discovery Framework (RSDF). This adaptable, open-source framework guides teaching and learning. Schools can customize it to fit their context, experimenting with different approaches, and sharing successes and lessons learned.

The RS Ideals Discovery Wheel
Click on the image to try our Whizzy Wheel, an interactive tool to turn the dials and see how the IDEALS and the Discoveries are interwoven.
Appreciation of Diversity

Appreciation of Diversity

Round Square Explorers learn to value the strength and solidarity of an inclusive society that embraces all individuals.